Doja Cat was among the performers at the 2020 MTV EMAs on Sunday, which was held remotely amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Lining up alongside fellow performers Little Mix (who also hosted), Zara Larsson, Yungblud, and David Guetta, Doja Cat mixed things up a little. She transformed her slinky disco smash “Say So” into an early 2000s-style nu-metal rager, complete with distorted guitar riffs courtesy of a band of goth musicians. Doja got into the spirit, too, leaning in to the rock look with black hair and nails.
Tweeting after the ceremony took place, Doja hinted at being bored of one of her biggest hits writing: “im tired of ‘say so’ too yall.”
In addition to performing, Doja Cat won the Best New category at the EMAs. Other winners on the night included BTS, Lady Gaga, DJ Khaled, Hayley Williams, Karol G, and Cardi B.
Doja Cat turned “Say So” into a nu-metal throwback at the MTV EMAs