The police were certainly cracking down on crime during Coachella weekend two, as the Indio Police Department shares that they saw a 40% increase in arrests compared to last year. According to KESQ, a total of 112 arrests were made versus 80 during the second weekend in 2023. Ben Guitron, a spokesperson from the Indio Police Department shared a breakdown of the total arrests made. According to the report, 41 were for possesion of drugs for sales and another 26 were for fake identification. An additional 24 were for public intoxication and 6 were booked for suspiscion of property crime. The other 15 arrests were not specified, but it was confirmed that no arrests were made for serious or violent crimes. In better news, the festival did see a 55% decrease in citations compared to last year. In 2023, during the second weekend, there were a total of 105 citations given due to unauthorized parking. This year, the Indio Police Department only saw 47 citations. Coachella recently announced the new dates for their 2025 edition. For those planning on attending, follow the rules and stay safe out there when partying in the desert!Coachella Weekend Two Sees Big Arrest Spike