The active ingredient in magic mushrooms, Psilocybin, can help individuals who are looking to cut back on their drinking. A recent study, and the first of its kind, employed these hallucinogenic fungi to see if they could help people break addiction. 93 participants were given either placebo or psilocybin. The scientists administered two treatments, one month apart. In addition to the doses, the participants received 12 sessions of talk therapy. Results showed that those who were given performed better than those who were not. When surveyed eight months later, the test group had reduced their binge drinking to once every ten days, in comparison to the control group which still binged one out of four days. More comparison revealed that 50% of the test group quit drinking entirely, while only 24% of the test group was able to do so. A quote from the study: Mushrooms are quickly falling in to public acceptance, and it makes sense. Indigenous cultures have employed mushrooms as medicine for millennia. Psychedelic therapies have been approved in . A new is emerging around the phenomenon. And the anticipates a push for federal legalization soon. Magic Mushrooms Can Help With Alcohol Addiction