Megan Thee Stallion has shared the video for “Ungrateful,” a Key Glock collaboration taken from new album Traumazine. The video begins with Megan getting ready for a funeral before attending the event in all-black attire. As she reaches the grave she comes face to face with herself, dressed in white, with the second Megan driving to Key Glock’s house. Check out the Colin Tilley-directed visuals above.
Traumazine was released last month and also features the single “Her.” The release is at the center of a lawsuit involving both Megan and her record label, who disagree as to its status as an official album. She is also taking separate legal action to discover the source of a leak prior to the release of Traumazine.
Megan Thee Stallion and Key Glock pay their respects in the “Ungrateful” video