The FADER’s “Songs You Need” are the tracks we can’t stop playing. Check back every day for new music and follow along on our Spotify playlist.
Aaberg, aka Hunter Mockett, makes tender music for life’s delicate moments. On 2019 album Jynx he introduced corrosive textures to his sound and next month brings its follow-up Lacewing. New song “Kohwa” is pulled from the upcoming project and catches Mockett embracing the great outdoors as he talks about “Making friends in the side of roads,” and “Sitting up for the sky just to see it gleaming.”
These hazy memories are delivered in a humble fashion, the words drifting by almost under Mockett’s breath as he plucks pretty yet brittle chord sequences from the ether. “Kohwa” is almost ambient in its make-up but there’s an open-hearted nature to what Mockett is doing that feels just powerful enough to leave an indent on those fortunate to stumble across it.
Lacewing is out August 12 on Elroy Tapes. Check out the “Kohwa” video below.
Song You Need: Enjoy a quiet moment of reflection with Aaberg’s “Kohwa”